
Welcome to my Blog

Yes, I realize it's October 2007 and that many of you have been blogging now for years. Call me a late adopter. :)

Blogging is something I've toyed around with for ages, but like a tattoo, I just couldn't settle on something (in this case, a topic) I loved enough to want on me (or with me!) for years to come.

Then, this past July while I was in Paris trying like hell to find some clothes at the last minute (lost luggage horror story...), it dawned on me: *this* is what my blog should be about. No, not about lost luggage horror stories and shopping in Paris, silly. But, rather, the trials and tribulations of a plus-size gal trying to find fashionable clothing-regardless of where she is in the world-or what her budget will allow.

Add to that the fact that fashion magazines seem to become even more hypocritical with every monthly issue..."yes, women should love thier bodies-regardless of the size....now, please enjoy viewing these size 0 models showing off clothing you'll NEVER fit it! bwah ha ha..." and I realize that there is just a huge, gaping disconnect in this world.

I could rant forever about this-and likely will in other posts, but to keep my intro post short-and not scare you off from future readings-I'll stop there.

So, here's the deal: I'll post as often as I can (at least once a week) about great clothing, accessories, shoes, hadbags, you name it. As a size 16/18, most of what I post will specifically be for other curvy girls, but hopefully others will enjoy my fashion finds as well.

I'll be on the lookout for specific stores, brands, labels in which I find clothing that is better than your standard mu-mu, and hopefully you'll enjoy reading about my adventures!

Cheers and thanks for reading!

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